Positive Mindset. Resilient. Responsible.
A Zend PHP Certified Engineer with over 15 years of software development experience.
Well versed in the PHP programming language and has a wide experience in multiple PHP frameworks such as Wordpress, PhalconPHP, Symfony, Laravel and CodeIgniter, as well as javascript frameworks like jQuery, AngularJs and ExtJs, including the UI framework bootstrap, SASS, Tailwind CSS and more.
A team player with good experience in team management. Responsible for supervising team resources, priorities, and motivating team members for the success of the project.
Percent (%) Reliable
Years of Experience
Confident. Competent. Adaptable.
Wordpress, Woocommerce, Symfony, PhalconPHP, Laravel, Code Igniter
Git, Webpack, Gulp, LAMP, cPanel, AWS, Jira, Bitbucket, DevOps, Google API/Workspace
jQuery, Angular, NextJs, Sass/Scss, Bootstrap, Tailwind
I look forward to new opportunities.
Always available for freelancing if the right project comes along, Feel free to contact me.